Service Information and FAQ - Twitch Hourly Viewers + Raid

  • Your order starts automatically in 0-10 minutes.
  • It's a stable service. No fluctuations, no drop.
  • Make sure you type your link as format. Otherwise it'll not start
  • You can start a raid in this category. Viewers stay on the raided channel for 5 minutes.
  • Generates VOD Views.
  • User list.
  • This service generates "Live Views" and "Unique Viewers" statistics.
  • The time is not stopped or divided.
  • It is not allowed to change your channel name after your order.
  • No ban has been observed due to the Twitch viewer bot, but the responsibility for any problems that may occur belongs to the buyer.
  • Viewers do not watch ads and does not provide you any income.
  • Viewers affect stats. You can get affiliate program and open subscribe button.
  • In the event that viewers cannot be provided due to a technical error, a refund will be issued. Otherwise, there will be no reimbursement.

What are VOD Views?

Automatically sends viewership statistics to the stream video. (Additionally, there's no need to purchase video views.)

Our VOD Views service ensures your viewer statistics appear natural, providing credibility against viewer bot detection tools and enhancing the authenticity of your channel.*


They affect the "Unique Viewer" and "Live Views" statistics on the stream summary on Twitch creator dashboard.


The difference between Twitch and Twitch Premium categories as tested with one of the mentioned analysis extensions.*

It has been determined that the VOD Views feature included in our premium category packages is not detected by Chrome extensions that analyze whether a channel has a viewer bot or not.*


*Although these extensions do not provide 100% accurate information, they have been specifically tested for broadcasters who care about this issue. BotViewer does not offer a guarantee for the results of these types of extensions. While we are not responsible for any future changes, this area will be updated in case of possible changes.


Does this category have a Chat Bot or Dashboard feature?

In this category, everything operates automatically 24/7 for the duration of your package. As soon as you begin broadcasting, viewers will automatically join the channel within 15 minutes. This category does not offer manual initiation or chat bot features via the Dashboard. If you need these functionalities, please consider purchasing one of the packages available on the dashboard.

💙 Botviewer:Social Media Services
💙 Platform:Twitch Premium Hourly Viewers + Raid Packages